The DoSS Summer Prep Bootcamp 2023 was held from July 10 to July 28 2023.
Methods and Computing
Instructor: Yuan Tian;Jianhui Gao”
Click here to download the syllabus
Module 1: Basic R programming
Module 2: Data wrangling (I)
LaTeX, Markdown, tidyverse
Module 3:Data wrangling (II)
Module 4: Statistical inference (I)
Probability distributions
Module 5: Statistical inference (II)
Module 6: Statistical inference (III)
Hypothesis testing
Module 7: Simulations
Module 8: Bootstrap
Module 9: Linear regression
Module 10: Generalized linear models
Operational Math
Instructor: Emma Kroell
Click here to download the syllabus
You may download the lecture notes, which will be updated after each lecture.
Module 1: Introduction to proofs
Module 2: Set theory
Module 3: Set theory II and metric spaces I
Module 4: Metric spaces II
Module 5: Metric spaces III and Topology I
Module 6: Topology II and intro to linear algebra
Module 7: Linear algebra I
Module 8: Linear algebra II
Module 9: Linear algebra III
Module 10: Differentiation and integration
Instructor: Ichiro Hashimoto
Click here to download the syllabus
Module 1: Basics of Probability
Module 2: Random Variables
Module 3: Common Random Variables
Module 4: Distribution
Module 5: Expectation
Module 6: Inequalities
Module 7: Stochastic Convergence
Module 8: Stochastic Convergence continued
Module 9: Limit Theorems
Module 10: Limit Theorems continued